Glass GmbH & Co. KG VSM/F 300 VIK - Mixer universalGlass GmbH & Co. KG
Glass GmbH & Co. KG VSM/F 300 VIK - Mixer universal
Glass GmbH & Co. KG
Anul fabricației

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Date despre mașină
- Descrierea mașinii:
- Glass GmbH & Co. KG VSM/F 300 VIK - Mixer universal
- Producător:
- Glass GmbH & Co. KG
- Model:
- VSM/F 300 VIK
- Anul fabricației:
- 2009
- Condiție:
- folosit
- Locație:
- Barneveld, The Netherlands
- ID-ul listei:
- A965-2850
- Număr de referință:
- 354T993
- Ultima actualizare:
- pe 16.02.2025
SKU: 354T993
Locație: Barneveld
Marca: Glass
Tip: VSM/F300VIK
Nr. maș.: 3181
Vacuum posibil: ✔
Caracteristici principale
Material: Oțelinoxidabil
Volum: 280Ltr.
Motor: 2.2KW
Caracteristici specificate - Mixer universal
Material: Oțelinoxidabil1.4301(304)
Mixer universal: ✔
Capacitate: ±280Ltr.
Dimensiunile recipientelor: Dia:730x680mm
Cu capac: ✔
Intrare: 28mm
Ieșire operată manual: ✔
Cu motor: 2,2kW,240/415volt
Turația rotorului: 22rpm
Anul de construcție: 2009
Montat pe cadru: ✔
Montat pe roți: ✔
Cu întrerupător: ✔
Cu mecanism de întrerupere: ✔
Suprafață utilă: 1,8x1,1m
Înălțime totală: 1,8m
Greutate: 650kg
Specificații suplimentare: Boilertiltmotor:0.37kW,220-240/380-415volts,1380rpmwithvacuum
What you can expect from Foeth: all our machines are in working condition, and at a reduced price compared to new. They are ready for shipping to any destination worldwide. You are welcome to inspect our machines in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit our Foeth website for more information about this machine.
SKU: 354T993
Locație: Barneveld
Marca: Glass
Tip: VSM/F300VIK
Nr. maș.: 3181
Vacuum posibil: ✔
Caracteristici principale
Material: Oțelinoxidabil
Volum: 280Ltr.
Motor: 2.2KW
Caracteristici specificate - Mixer universal
Material: Oțelinoxidabil1.4301(304)
Mixer universal: ✔
Capacitate: ±280Ltr.
Dimensiunile recipientelor: Dia:730x680mm
Cu capac: ✔
Intrare: 28mm
Ieșire operată manual: ✔
Cu motor: 2,2kW,240/415volt
Turația rotorului: 22rpm
Anul de construcție: 2009
Montat pe cadru: ✔
Montat pe roți: ✔
Cu întrerupător: ✔
Cu mecanism de întrerupere: ✔
Suprafață utilă: 1,8x1,1m
Înălțime totală: 1,8m
Greutate: 650kg
Specificații suplimentare: Boilertiltmotor:0.37kW,220-240/380-415volts,1380rpmwithvacuum
What you can expect from Foeth: all our machines are in working condition, and at a reduced price compared to new. They are ready for shipping to any destination worldwide. You are welcome to inspect our machines in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit our Foeth website for more information about this machine.
Persoană de contact: Dl Stefan Modderman
Harselaarseweg 23
3771 MA Barneveld, Olanda
+31 342 2... arată
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Since 1908 A. Foeth B.V. has been active in the purchase and sale of used process machinery, serving the specialty chemical, food & feed additives, pharmaceutical and recycling industries in Europe and beyond.
By today, our company has developed into the largest dealer in Europe in used and refurbished process machinery from premium manufacturers. We have more than 2800 items in stock on 30,000 m2 storage space in Barneveld, 60 kilometers South East of Amsterdam.
What you can expect from us and our process machines:
✔ Largest stock in Europe with over 2800 ready to use machines
✔ All equipment is refurbished prior to shipment
✔ 15% of our stock is fully reconditioned!
✔ Ready to load, we export to any destination worldwide
✔ You are welcome to inspect the machine in Barneveld, The Netherlands
If you have a process machine for sale or need to downscale a production line or complete plant, Foeth is the reliable partner. We take care of your surplus equipment. We buy all equipment for production of specialty chemicals, food & feed additives and pharmaceutical products. We buy single production machines, but also complete production lines as well as complete production plants!
Please visit our website for more information on our competencies and for our premium quality stock. and let's reuse to reduce!
By today, our company has developed into the largest dealer in Europe in used and refurbished process machinery from premium manufacturers. We have more than 2800 items in stock on 30,000 m2 storage space in Barneveld, 60 kilometers South East of Amsterdam.
What you can expect from us and our process machines:
✔ Largest stock in Europe with over 2800 ready to use machines
✔ All equipment is refurbished prior to shipment
✔ 15% of our stock is fully reconditioned!
✔ Ready to load, we export to any destination worldwide
✔ You are welcome to inspect the machine in Barneveld, The Netherlands
If you have a process machine for sale or need to downscale a production line or complete plant, Foeth is the reliable partner. We take care of your surplus equipment. We buy all equipment for production of specialty chemicals, food & feed additives and pharmaceutical products. We buy single production machines, but also complete production lines as well as complete production plants!
Please visit our website for more information on our competencies and for our premium quality stock. and let's reuse to reduce!
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Please see our website for full terms and conditions.
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+31 342 2... arată
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