Tocător mono rotor/ tocător
RSS Recycling Shredders & Solutions RSS 1000 series MR

Anul fabricației
Wijk bij Duurstede Olanda
Tocător mono rotor/ tocător RSS Recycling Shredders & Solutions RSS 1000 series MR
Tocător mono rotor/ tocător RSS Recycling Shredders & Solutions RSS 1000 series MR
Tocător mono rotor/ tocător RSS Recycling Shredders & Solutions RSS 1000 series MR
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Date despre mașină

Descrierea mașinii:
Tocător mono rotor/ tocător
RSS Recycling Shredders & Solutions
RSS 1000 series MR
Anul fabricației:
complet funcțional
Ore de funcționare:
4 h


Lagemaat 6, 3961 NJ Wijk bij Duurstede, NL Olanda


45 kW (61,18 PS)


ID-ul listei:
Ultima actualizare:
pe 19.12.2024


Rotor lenght 1000 mm, knives 40 x 40 mm, 2 stator knives, kW 45+ 2.2,
Weight approx 5000 kG, Hoppersize 1400 x 1000 mm, screensize on your request.
PLC, automatic reverse as well by manual, connections for convayors, and included motor cover, etc, etc
Optional Conveyor beld available

This machine is plug and play and have Dutch CE certificat

Conveyor or other infeed or discharge methods can be discussed. Any other wish you have, do not hessitate to ask.

For more info: RSS Recycling Shredders & Solutions

Contacts or questions with companyname, telephone number and your name. Without these we are not able to reply your request

Anunțul publicitar a fost tradus automat și ar putea apărea unele erori de traducere.


RSS Recycling Shredders & Solutions

Persoană de contact: Dl Harry Baumgart

Lagemaat 6-09

3961 NJ Wijk bij Duurstede, Olanda

+31 343 2... arată

Ultima dată online: Săptămâna trecută

Înregistrat din: 2020

10 Anunțuri online

Arată mai mult
Economisch, efficiënt en coöperatief

RSS is gespecialiseerd in industriële shredders en installaties voor o.a. de recyclingindustrie. RSS onderscheidt zich door hoogwaardige en betaalbare shredder installaties te bouwen en te installeren. Wij denken met u mee om zodoende de beste oplossing te creëren

Wij zijn een partner die van meerwaarde is in het gehele traject. We denken mee met het ontwikkelen van het verwerkingsplan, installeren uw equipment en ondersteunen het gebruiksproces.

U vindt onze machines en jarenlange expertise in diverse verwerkingstakken van de recyclingindustrie zoals:

kabel recycling
banden recycling
hout recycling
kunststof recycling.

Daarnaast leveren we ook de beste oplossing voor de volgende bewerkingen:

verkleinen en verwerken van industrieel afval
wassen van granulaten
drogen van granulaten
scheiden van grondstoffen
opslaan van bulkmateriaal
Arată mai puțin

Trimiteți solicitarea

Statele Unite ale Americii
Regatul Unit
Federația Rusă
Belarus (Rusia Albă)
Noua Zeelandă
Republica Cehă
Bosnia și Herțegovina
Coreea de Sud
Notă: Solicitarea dvs. va fi transmisă tuturor vânzătorilor din categoria de mașini. Acest lucru vă permite să primiți un număr mare de oferte.
Cererea nu a putut fi trimisă. Vă rugăm să încercați din nou mai târziu.


+31 343 2... arată
Aceste reclame ar putea să vă intereseze și pe dumneavoastră.
Anunț clasificat
Mașină de prelucrare a plasticului RSS Recycling Shredders & Solutions 1000 Series maalmolen
Mașină de prelucrare a plasticului RSS Recycling Shredders & Solutions 1000 Series maalmolen
Mașină de prelucrare a plasticului RSS Recycling Shredders & Solutions 1000 Series maalmolen
Mașină de prelucrare a plasticului RSS Recycling Shredders & Solutions 1000 Series maalmolen
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Olanda Wijk bij Duurstede
1.578 km
Mașină de prelucrare a plasticului
RSS Recycling Shredders & Solutions1000 Series maalmolen
Anunț clasificat
Linia de granulare 1000 F32 RSS Recycling Shredders & Solutions B.V. 1000 F32
Linia de granulare 1000 F32 RSS Recycling Shredders & Solutions B.V. 1000 F32
Linia de granulare 1000 F32 RSS Recycling Shredders & Solutions B.V. 1000 F32
Linia de granulare 1000 F32 RSS Recycling Shredders & Solutions B.V. 1000 F32
Linia de granulare 1000 F32 RSS Recycling Shredders & Solutions B.V. 1000 F32
Linia de granulare 1000 F32 RSS Recycling Shredders & Solutions B.V. 1000 F32
Linia de granulare 1000 F32 RSS Recycling Shredders & Solutions B.V. 1000 F32
Linia de granulare 1000 F32 RSS Recycling Shredders & Solutions B.V. 1000 F32
Linia de granulare 1000 F32 RSS Recycling Shredders & Solutions B.V. 1000 F32
Linia de granulare 1000 F32 RSS Recycling Shredders & Solutions B.V. 1000 F32
Linia de granulare 1000 F32 RSS Recycling Shredders & Solutions B.V. 1000 F32
Linia de granulare 1000 F32 RSS Recycling Shredders & Solutions B.V. 1000 F32
Linia de granulare 1000 F32 RSS Recycling Shredders & Solutions B.V. 1000 F32
Linia de granulare 1000 F32 RSS Recycling Shredders & Solutions B.V. 1000 F32
Linia de granulare 1000 F32 RSS Recycling Shredders & Solutions B.V. 1000 F32
Linia de granulare 1000 F32 RSS Recycling Shredders & Solutions B.V. 1000 F32
Linia de granulare 1000 F32 RSS Recycling Shredders & Solutions B.V. 1000 F32
Linia de granulare 1000 F32 RSS Recycling Shredders & Solutions B.V. 1000 F32
Linia de granulare 1000 F32 RSS Recycling Shredders & Solutions B.V. 1000 F32
Linia de granulare 1000 F32 RSS Recycling Shredders & Solutions B.V. 1000 F32
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Olanda Olanda
1.522 km
Linia de granulare 1000 F32
RSS Recycling Shredders & Solutions B.V.1000 F32
Dealer certificat
Anunț clasificat
Mașină de tocat Mono Rotor/Chredder Recycling Shredders & Solutions NL. 600 serie MR
Mașină de tocat Mono Rotor/Chredder Recycling Shredders & Solutions NL. 600 serie MR
Mașină de tocat Mono Rotor/Chredder Recycling Shredders & Solutions NL. 600 serie MR
Mașină de tocat Mono Rotor/Chredder Recycling Shredders & Solutions NL. 600 serie MR
Mașină de tocat Mono Rotor/Chredder Recycling Shredders & Solutions NL. 600 serie MR
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Olanda Wijk bij Duurstede
1.578 km
Mașină de tocat Mono Rotor/Chredder
Recycling Shredders & Solutions NL.600 serie MR
Anunț clasificat
Separator independent de metale WPS ZŁOMIARZE Recycling Technology WPS-500/750/1000
Separator independent de metale WPS ZŁOMIARZE Recycling Technology WPS-500/750/1000
Separator independent de metale WPS ZŁOMIARZE Recycling Technology WPS-500/750/1000
Separator independent de metale WPS ZŁOMIARZE Recycling Technology WPS-500/750/1000
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Polonia Toruń
911 km
Separator independent de metale WPS
ZŁOMIARZE Recycling TechnologyWPS-500/750/1000
Anunț clasificat
CENTURĂ SEPARATOR MAGNETIC ZŁOMIARZE Recycling Technology SM - Magnetic Series
CENTURĂ SEPARATOR MAGNETIC ZŁOMIARZE Recycling Technology SM - Magnetic Series
more images
Polonia Toruń
911 km
ZŁOMIARZE Recycling TechnologySM - Magnetic Series
Anunț clasificat
Tocător cu patru axe Recycling Shredders & Solutions RSS 4 shaft shredder
Tocător cu patru axe Recycling Shredders & Solutions RSS 4 shaft shredder
Tocător cu patru axe Recycling Shredders & Solutions RSS 4 shaft shredder
Tocător cu patru axe Recycling Shredders & Solutions RSS 4 shaft shredder
Tocător cu patru axe Recycling Shredders & Solutions RSS 4 shaft shredder
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Olanda Wijk bij Duurstede
1.578 km
Tocător cu patru axe
Recycling Shredders & Solutions RSS4 shaft shredder
Anunț clasificat
Transportoare cu șurub / șuruburi de drenaj RSS recycling shredders & solutions
Transportoare cu șurub / șuruburi de drenaj RSS recycling shredders & solutions
Transportoare cu șurub / șuruburi de drenaj RSS recycling shredders & solutions
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Olanda Wijk bij Duurstede
1.579 km
Transportoare cu șurub / șuruburi de drenaj
RSS recycling shredders & solutions
Anunț clasificat
Concasor / granulator RSS Recycling Shredders & Solutions 800 serie maalmolen
Concasor / granulator RSS Recycling Shredders & Solutions 800 serie maalmolen
Concasor / granulator RSS Recycling Shredders & Solutions 800 serie maalmolen
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Olanda Wijk bij Duurstede
1.579 km
Concasor / granulator
RSS Recycling Shredders & Solutions800 serie maalmolen
Anunț clasificat
Instalație de mărunțire THM Recycling Solutions GmbH CM 100
Instalație de mărunțire THM Recycling Solutions GmbH CM 100
Instalație de mărunțire THM Recycling Solutions GmbH CM 100
Instalație de mărunțire THM Recycling Solutions GmbH CM 100
Instalație de mărunțire THM Recycling Solutions GmbH CM 100
Instalație de mărunțire THM Recycling Solutions GmbH CM 100
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Germania Mannheim
1.288 km
Instalație de mărunțire
THM Recycling Solutions GmbHCM 100
Dealer certificat
Anunț clasificat
Distrugător cu flux încrucișat THM recycling solutions GmbH QZ 1200 (Inbetriebnahme 2021)
Distrugător cu flux încrucișat THM recycling solutions GmbH QZ 1200 (Inbetriebnahme 2021)
Distrugător cu flux încrucișat THM recycling solutions GmbH QZ 1200 (Inbetriebnahme 2021)
Distrugător cu flux încrucișat THM recycling solutions GmbH QZ 1200 (Inbetriebnahme 2021)
Distrugător cu flux încrucișat THM recycling solutions GmbH QZ 1200 (Inbetriebnahme 2021)
Distrugător cu flux încrucișat THM recycling solutions GmbH QZ 1200 (Inbetriebnahme 2021)
Distrugător cu flux încrucișat THM recycling solutions GmbH QZ 1200 (Inbetriebnahme 2021)
Distrugător cu flux încrucișat THM recycling solutions GmbH QZ 1200 (Inbetriebnahme 2021)
Distrugător cu flux încrucișat THM recycling solutions GmbH QZ 1200 (Inbetriebnahme 2021)
Distrugător cu flux încrucișat THM recycling solutions GmbH QZ 1200 (Inbetriebnahme 2021)
Distrugător cu flux încrucișat THM recycling solutions GmbH QZ 1200 (Inbetriebnahme 2021)
Distrugător cu flux încrucișat THM recycling solutions GmbH QZ 1200 (Inbetriebnahme 2021)
Distrugător cu flux încrucișat THM recycling solutions GmbH QZ 1200 (Inbetriebnahme 2021)
Distrugător cu flux încrucișat THM recycling solutions GmbH QZ 1200 (Inbetriebnahme 2021)
Distrugător cu flux încrucișat THM recycling solutions GmbH QZ 1200 (Inbetriebnahme 2021)
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Germania Gevelsberg
1.426 km
Distrugător cu flux încrucișat
THM recycling solutions GmbHQZ 1200 (Inbetriebnahme 2021)
Anunț clasificat
Distrugător cu un singur arbore THM recycling solutions GmbH Kleingranulator ZM300
Distrugător cu un singur arbore THM recycling solutions GmbH Kleingranulator ZM300
Distrugător cu un singur arbore THM recycling solutions GmbH Kleingranulator ZM300
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Germania Eppingen
1.256 km
Distrugător cu un singur arbore
THM recycling solutions GmbHKleingranulator ZM300
Anunț clasificat
Instalație de mărunțire THM recycling solutions AG 2008
Instalație de mărunțire THM recycling solutions AG 2008
Instalație de mărunțire THM recycling solutions AG 2008
Instalație de mărunțire THM recycling solutions AG 2008
Instalație de mărunțire THM recycling solutions AG 2008
Instalație de mărunțire THM recycling solutions AG 2008
Instalație de mărunțire THM recycling solutions AG 2008
Instalație de mărunțire THM recycling solutions AG 2008
Instalație de mărunțire THM recycling solutions AG 2008
Instalație de mărunțire THM recycling solutions AG 2008
Instalație de mărunțire THM recycling solutions AG 2008
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Germania Mannheim
1.288 km
Instalație de mărunțire
THM recycling solutionsAG 2008
Dealer certificat
Anunț clasificat
HBC 60 A Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 60 A
HBC 60 A Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 60 A
HBC 60 A Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 60 A
HBC 60 A Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 60 A
HBC 60 A Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 60 A
HBC 60 A Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 60 A
HBC 60 A Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 60 A
HBC 60 A Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 60 A
HBC 60 A Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 60 A
HBC 60 A Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 60 A
HBC 60 A Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 60 A
HBC 60 A Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 60 A
HBC 60 A Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 60 A
HBC 60 A Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 60 A
HBC 60 A Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 60 A
HBC 60 A Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 60 A
HBC 60 A Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 60 A
HBC 60 A Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 60 A
HBC 60 A Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 60 A
HBC 60 A Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 60 A
HBC 60 A Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 60 A
HBC 60 A Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 60 A
HBC 60 A Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 60 A
HBC 60 A Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 60 A
HBC 60 A Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 60 A
HBC 60 A Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 60 A
HBC 60 A Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 60 A
HBC 60 A Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 60 A
HBC 60 A Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 60 A
HBC 60 A Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 60 A
HBC 60 A Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 60 A
HBC 60 A Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 60 A
HBC 60 A Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 60 A
HBC 60 A Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 60 A
HBC 60 A Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 60 A
HBC 60 A Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 60 A
HBC 60 A Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 60 A
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Belgia Belgia
1.522 km
HBC 60 A
Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V.HBC 60 A
Dealer certificat
Anunț clasificat
HBC 80 AF Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 80 AF
HBC 80 AF Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 80 AF
HBC 80 AF Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 80 AF
HBC 80 AF Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 80 AF
HBC 80 AF Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 80 AF
HBC 80 AF Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 80 AF
HBC 80 AF Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 80 AF
HBC 80 AF Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 80 AF
HBC 80 AF Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 80 AF
HBC 80 AF Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 80 AF
HBC 80 AF Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 80 AF
HBC 80 AF Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 80 AF
HBC 80 AF Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 80 AF
HBC 80 AF Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 80 AF
HBC 80 AF Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 80 AF
HBC 80 AF Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 80 AF
HBC 80 AF Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 80 AF
HBC 80 AF Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 80 AF
HBC 80 AF Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 80 AF
HBC 80 AF Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 80 AF
HBC 80 AF Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 80 AF
HBC 80 AF Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 80 AF
HBC 80 AF Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 80 AF
HBC 80 AF Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 80 AF
HBC 80 AF Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 80 AF
HBC 80 AF Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 80 AF
HBC 80 AF Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 80 AF
HBC 80 AF Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 80 AF
HBC 80 AF Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 80 AF
HBC 80 AF Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 80 AF
HBC 80 AF Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 80 AF
HBC 80 AF Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 80 AF
HBC 80 AF Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 80 AF
HBC 80 AF Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 80 AF
HBC 80 AF Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 80 AF
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Olanda Olanda
1.522 km
Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V.HBC 80 AF
Dealer certificat
Anunț clasificat
HBC 110 K / 75 kW Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 100 K
HBC 110 K / 75 kW Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 100 K
HBC 110 K / 75 kW Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 100 K
HBC 110 K / 75 kW Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 100 K
HBC 110 K / 75 kW Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 100 K
HBC 110 K / 75 kW Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 100 K
HBC 110 K / 75 kW Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 100 K
HBC 110 K / 75 kW Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 100 K
HBC 110 K / 75 kW Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 100 K
HBC 110 K / 75 kW Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 100 K
HBC 110 K / 75 kW Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 100 K
HBC 110 K / 75 kW Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 100 K
HBC 110 K / 75 kW Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 100 K
HBC 110 K / 75 kW Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 100 K
HBC 110 K / 75 kW Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 100 K
HBC 110 K / 75 kW Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 100 K
HBC 110 K / 75 kW Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 100 K
HBC 110 K / 75 kW Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 100 K
HBC 110 K / 75 kW Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 100 K
HBC 110 K / 75 kW Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 100 K
HBC 110 K / 75 kW Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 100 K
HBC 110 K / 75 kW Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 100 K
HBC 110 K / 75 kW Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 100 K
HBC 110 K / 75 kW Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 100 K
HBC 110 K / 75 kW Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 100 K
HBC 110 K / 75 kW Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 100 K
HBC 110 K / 75 kW Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 100 K
HBC 110 K / 75 kW Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 100 K
HBC 110 K / 75 kW Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 100 K
HBC 110 K / 75 kW Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 100 K
HBC 110 K / 75 kW Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 100 K
HBC 110 K / 75 kW Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 100 K
HBC 110 K / 75 kW Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 100 K
HBC 110 K / 75 kW Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 100 K
HBC 110 K / 75 kW Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 100 K
HBC 110 K / 75 kW Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 100 K
HBC 110 K / 75 kW Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 100 K
HBC 110 K / 75 kW Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 100 K
HBC 110 K / 75 kW Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 100 K
HBC 110 K / 75 kW Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 100 K
HBC 110 K / 75 kW Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 100 K
HBC 110 K / 75 kW Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 100 K
HBC 110 K / 75 kW Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 100 K
HBC 110 K / 75 kW Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 100 K
HBC 110 K / 75 kW Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 100 K
HBC 110 K / 75 kW Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 100 K
HBC 110 K / 75 kW Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 100 K
HBC 110 K / 75 kW Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 100 K
HBC 110 K / 75 kW Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 100 K
HBC 110 K / 75 kW Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 100 K
more images
Olanda Olanda
1.522 km
HBC 110 K / 75 kW
Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V.HBC 100 K
Dealer certificat
Anunț clasificat
HBC 140 K Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 140 K
HBC 140 K Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 140 K
HBC 140 K Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 140 K
HBC 140 K Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 140 K
HBC 140 K Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 140 K
HBC 140 K Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 140 K
HBC 140 K Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 140 K
HBC 140 K Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 140 K
HBC 140 K Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 140 K
HBC 140 K Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 140 K
HBC 140 K Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 140 K
HBC 140 K Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 140 K
HBC 140 K Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 140 K
HBC 140 K Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 140 K
HBC 140 K Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 140 K
HBC 140 K Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 140 K
HBC 140 K Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 140 K
HBC 140 K Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 140 K
HBC 140 K Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 140 K
HBC 140 K Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 140 K
HBC 140 K Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 140 K
HBC 140 K Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 140 K
HBC 140 K Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 140 K
HBC 140 K Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 140 K
HBC 140 K Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 140 K
HBC 140 K Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 140 K
HBC 140 K Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 140 K
HBC 140 K Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 140 K
HBC 140 K Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 140 K
HBC 140 K Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 140 K
HBC 140 K Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 140 K
HBC 140 K Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 140 K
HBC 140 K Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 140 K
HBC 140 K Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 140 K
HBC 140 K Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 140 K
HBC 140 K Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 140 K
HBC 140 K Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 140 K
HBC 140 K Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 140 K
HBC 140 K Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 140 K
HBC 140 K Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 140 K
HBC 140 K Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 140 K
HBC 140 K Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 140 K
HBC 140 K Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 140 K
HBC 140 K Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 140 K
HBC 140 K Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 140 K
HBC 140 K Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 140 K
HBC 140 K Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 140 K
HBC 140 K Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 140 K
HBC 140 K Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 140 K
HBC 140 K Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V. HBC 140 K
more images
Olanda Olanda
1.522 km
HBC 140 K
Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions B.V.HBC 140 K
Dealer certificat
Anunț clasificat
Maxtrak 1000 concasor conic Putz Recycling  603/9052 + 603/9106
Maxtrak 1000 concasor conic Putz Recycling  603/9052 + 603/9106
more images
Polonia Trachy
678 km
Maxtrak 1000 concasor conic
Putz Recycling 603/9052 + 603/9106
Dealer certificat
Anunț clasificat
Granulator, reciclare Mizar Makina Ltd Sti. G Series Granulator, recycling
Granulator, reciclare Mizar Makina Ltd Sti. G Series Granulator, recycling
Granulator, reciclare Mizar Makina Ltd Sti. G Series Granulator, recycling
Granulator, reciclare Mizar Makina Ltd Sti. G Series Granulator, recycling
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Turcia Fevziçakmak, 10753. Sk. No:38/C, 42050 Karatay/Konya, Turkey
1.090 km
Granulator, reciclare
Mizar Makina Ltd Sti.G Series Granulator, recycling
Dealer certificat
Anunț clasificat
Mașină de reciclare a cablurilor Mizar Makina Ltd.Sti. AC+CU Series
Mașină de reciclare a cablurilor Mizar Makina Ltd.Sti. AC+CU Series
Mașină de reciclare a cablurilor Mizar Makina Ltd.Sti. AC+CU Series
Mașină de reciclare a cablurilor Mizar Makina Ltd.Sti. AC+CU Series
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Turcia Fevziçakmak, 10753. Sk. No:38/C, 42050 Karatay/Konya, Turkey
1.090 km
Mașină de reciclare a cablurilor
Mizar Makina Ltd.Sti.AC+CU Series
Dealer certificat
Anunț clasificat
Mașină de introducere a plicurilor Buhrs Zandam Series 1000
Mașină de introducere a plicurilor Buhrs Zandam Series 1000
Mașină de introducere a plicurilor Buhrs Zandam Series 1000
Mașină de introducere a plicurilor Buhrs Zandam Series 1000
Mașină de introducere a plicurilor Buhrs Zandam Series 1000
Mașină de introducere a plicurilor Buhrs Zandam Series 1000
Mașină de introducere a plicurilor Buhrs Zandam Series 1000
Mașină de introducere a plicurilor Buhrs Zandam Series 1000
Mașină de introducere a plicurilor Buhrs Zandam Series 1000
Mașină de introducere a plicurilor Buhrs Zandam Series 1000
Mașină de introducere a plicurilor Buhrs Zandam Series 1000
Mașină de introducere a plicurilor Buhrs Zandam Series 1000
Mașină de introducere a plicurilor Buhrs Zandam Series 1000
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Regatul Unit Liverpool
2.149 km
Mașină de introducere a plicurilor
Buhrs ZandamSeries 1000
Anunț clasificat
Depozitant Riggs Autopack Ltd Model 1000 Series 3 Depositor & Agitator
Depozitant Riggs Autopack Ltd Model 1000 Series 3 Depositor & Agitator
Depozitant Riggs Autopack Ltd Model 1000 Series 3 Depositor & Agitator
Depozitant Riggs Autopack Ltd Model 1000 Series 3 Depositor & Agitator
Depozitant Riggs Autopack Ltd Model 1000 Series 3 Depositor & Agitator
Depozitant Riggs Autopack Ltd Model 1000 Series 3 Depositor & Agitator
Depozitant Riggs Autopack Ltd Model 1000 Series 3 Depositor & Agitator
Depozitant Riggs Autopack Ltd Model 1000 Series 3 Depositor & Agitator
Depozitant Riggs Autopack Ltd Model 1000 Series 3 Depositor & Agitator
Depozitant Riggs Autopack Ltd Model 1000 Series 3 Depositor & Agitator
Depozitant Riggs Autopack Ltd Model 1000 Series 3 Depositor & Agitator
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Regatul Unit Somerset, UK
2.121 km
Riggs Autopack LtdModel 1000 Series 3 Depositor & Agitator
Anunț clasificat
Tocător, reciclare Mizar Makina Ltd Sti ASC Series Double Shaft Shredder,
Tocător, reciclare Mizar Makina Ltd Sti ASC Series Double Shaft Shredder,
Tocător, reciclare Mizar Makina Ltd Sti ASC Series Double Shaft Shredder,
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Turcia Fevziçakmak, 10753. Sk. No:38/C, 42050 Karatay/Konya, Turkey
1.090 km
Tocător, reciclare
Mizar Makina Ltd StiASC Series Double Shaft Shredder,
Dealer certificat
Anunț clasificat
Mașină de decapare a cablurilor, reciclare Mizar Makina Ltd Sti S series
Mașină de decapare a cablurilor, reciclare Mizar Makina Ltd Sti S series
Mașină de decapare a cablurilor, reciclare Mizar Makina Ltd Sti S series
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Turcia Fevziçakmak, 10753. Sk. No:38/C, 42050 Karatay/Konya, Türkiye
1.090 km
Mașină de decapare a cablurilor, reciclare
Mizar Makina Ltd StiS series
Dealer certificat
Anunț clasificat
Tocător, reciclare Mizar Makina Ltd Sti AC Series Single Shaft Shredder
Tocător, reciclare Mizar Makina Ltd Sti AC Series Single Shaft Shredder
Tocător, reciclare Mizar Makina Ltd Sti AC Series Single Shaft Shredder
Tocător, reciclare Mizar Makina Ltd Sti AC Series Single Shaft Shredder
Tocător, reciclare Mizar Makina Ltd Sti AC Series Single Shaft Shredder
Tocător, reciclare Mizar Makina Ltd Sti AC Series Single Shaft Shredder
Tocător, reciclare Mizar Makina Ltd Sti AC Series Single Shaft Shredder
Tocător, reciclare Mizar Makina Ltd Sti AC Series Single Shaft Shredder
Tocător, reciclare Mizar Makina Ltd Sti AC Series Single Shaft Shredder
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Turcia Fevziçakmak, 10753. Sk. No:38/C, 42050 Karatay/Konya, Turkey
1.090 km
Tocător, reciclare
Mizar Makina Ltd StiAC Series Single Shaft Shredder
Dealer certificat
Anunț clasificat
Agitator TMR Motor agitator 3kW TMR MD 5.5 / 1000
Agitator TMR Motor agitator 3kW TMR MD 5.5 / 1000
Agitator TMR Motor agitator 3kW TMR MD 5.5 / 1000
Agitator TMR Motor agitator 3kW TMR MD 5.5 / 1000
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Germania Forst
1.280 km
Agitator TMR Motor agitator 3kW
TMRMD 5.5 / 1000